Friday, December 6, 2013

Spring in My Step!

Wednesday night there were thunderstorms and rain which washed away the snow.
Thursday morning, the temperatures were milder which gave me a boost to go for a walk ... actually it was Monsieur Honey who pushed me out the door, not literally but with the use of lots of encouraging words. 

It was a great morning to go walking on my own and the milder temperatures put a "spring in my step". I was in need of some exercise for my body, mind and soul!

The sun so much wanted to be the star today and did come out a couple times during my walk.
See, doesn't it look like an early Spring day with the remnants of last year's leaves and debris along the trail.

My French walking buddy, Madame M. has been walking between nine and eleven kilometers every day for the past week.

If I am going to keep up with her on our planned walk to Compostella next year, I need to pick up the pace. 

I will also have to take advantage of the days with better weather.

I walked at a good clip and covered (7) seven kilo-meters.

Do you think I will be able to walk (10) ten kilo-meters atleast three times a week by the end of January? 

I have the intention to walk everyday if possible...


  1. Keep on walking : good for body and soul !

    1. Thanks Miek for the words of encouragement especially when it so cold here...
