Saturday, April 5, 2014

Let's Walk!

My "walk" through life in the literal sense has been put on hold for a few days.

My poor feet have given out on me, pain in many areas and everything I have read says the only cure is I have taken a few days off from walking.

Tomorrow the weather forecast is for warmer temperatures and sunshine.

I feel the need to go walking ... I will not over do it and am going to do my best to reach atleast five kilo-meters. I know I need to go farther and I had achieved my goal of ten kilo-meters the last few times out.

Time is passing quickly now and before I know it ... I won't be able to walk for practice and getting in condition ... but I will be walking the real Chemins / Caminos on route to Santiago!


  1. Wish you a lot of nice walks !!

  2. Thanks Miek. Got good one in this morning, 7 kilometers in the sunshine under blue skies!
